I'm really excited to announce - after being enticed by various people over the last couple years - that I am finally doing an Online Workshop. This will be for artists and non artists of any level, animal lovers, barn-want-oners, dreamers, or dreamers who are stuck not dreaming.
Have you had a loss lately? The donkeys and creatures are healing as can be, and even though you won't be here in person, my videos will aim to let you feel their essence, and recapture it in your heart and then on to paper.
The workshop will focus on seeing, feeling, capturing the essence of animals and moments - and looking for your own story to tell. We'll draw, but we'll also explore story ideas, patterns, shapes, feelings and stuffed emotions. And I have some fun stuff in store too- which you'll just have to wait and see.
There is an Early Hen Registration. Don't I mean "Early Bird"?
The hens get extremely agitated with the term "Early Bird" is used.
"It is we, the hens, who are often up before the birds, hard at work pushing and pontificating while our eggs stretch our bottoms," Florence told me.
Florence almost always speaks for the coop when it involves direct opinion - she's quite stern.
So, I'm so excited for September, and so excited some have already joined in. It's going to be fun!
In late August I will be back in touch - so make sure to keep me posted if your email changes.
Visit this link to read the Lesson Outline/FAQ's and pay online.
Regular cost: $149.00 [sign up from July 2nd - ongoing]
Early Hen Cost: $99.00 [sign up before June 1, 2012] Early Henners also will be sent an art card.
Sort-Of Early Hen Cost: $129.00 [sign up from June 2-July 1]
Course lessons and private course blog will be live in September. You can start anytime after that, and finish anytime at your own pace.