August, 2016
The barn is about to be sided! We are working everyday to get our new barn finished and all our fencing complete. I think we've done five years of fencing in 3 months! And we have sheep. After much soul searching, I purchased a small flock of six CVM/Romeldale wool sheep, a breed that is on the highly endangered list. Their wool is sought after by spinners and fiber artists. So look forward to next year when we will have Apifera fiber to sell on the store. Pino has taken his healing skills out on the town a couple of times and I'm busy settling the studio so I can create in earnest again.
May, 2016
We landed safely in Maine! We are very busy settling, planning a new barn, dreaming, thinking about how to develop our woods, and farm. The blog will keep you all updated. There will be workshops and other things going on as we get more settled into the new year. I have already met a Mainer in the barn, and the Head Troll has decided to carry a handbag. And the pig writes in his journal.
April, 2016
The Magical Misfit Mobile has entered the barnyard, and we prepare the Misfits for travel!
April, 2016
I made a deal with the devil, but angels intervened. After a roller coaster, a nail biter, a change of tracks, we are back on the path to get to Maine.
March, 2016
We have sold our property and are set to close the end of March but can do a rent back here for awhile. That will help a lot! And this week, I found the PERFECT farm for us in the perfect place. We are so excited and are under contract pending a successful close. It was really meant to be-I can say that with firm confidence. So now more than ever it is time for me to kick the fundraising into high gear-moving a grumpy pig, crippled goats, a blind pug, pigs of all sizes, a llama, donkeys and...whoever else hops on board-well, it takes some money, and lots of planning. Martyn is trying to figure out how to reconfigure any trailer we will buy to accommodate it all. The equines are being professionally hauled. If you can help, please do so, and thank you!
January 25, 2016
Details of the move to Maine are formulating, as are ideas about the Misfit Mobile. The busy season for real estate is said to be starting early this year like last, so we are fingers, toes and hooves crossed for a sale soon.
In the meantime, we are hashing out the details of transporting Misfits, dogs and people to Maine. In some ways, we are building a Misfit Mobile - or an arc. We have decided to haul the donkeys and Boone with an expert horse hauler. It's not cheap, but they are very good and that is what is needed. We looked into having the remaining Misfits hauled too, and for the same price range, we can put it towards a bigger, safer trailer and haul them with us. I feel the Misfits should be in my care and there are just too many details to hand over a grumpy pig, crippled goats and a duck, cats, White that is the plan. People wanted to chip in, so, I prorated out what the estimated Misfit hauling fee is [Matilda, Paco, goats, Rosie] and set up a GoFund [Note: The GoFund is only for the adopted Misfits portion of $7500, our entire move including all animals and our household stuff is going to be about $30,000]
I talked to someone involved with elders and she made a good point. What about using the horse trailer we will need to buy for the trip, as a hauling trailer for elder visits, but then create a 'setting' outside of it so elders can have better access to the animals. Picture a book shelf with my books, reading items, an old oriental rug, some chairs and a Misfit and me open for readings and healing. Since many will be mobility challenged this made sense.
I thought too, create a double sided pouch for Pino, Paco, or Boone that would hold a few books. Go for a walk at the local farmer's markets, or other areas, and invite people to sit and read and talk to the animals. Crazy? Just friendly.
Invite facilities to the new Apifera and create a shrine of healing for visitors
So, the Magical Misfit Mobile is indeed magical, and healing. And it seems to be coming in many forms-the actual hauling van we will have FULL of Misfits as we drive across America [yes, I'm hoping to make some stops and hand out books, or leave loving Misfit messages on walls and park benches], and once in Maine it will take on another form.
I don't expect any of you to feel obligated to support the GoFund. But its there to help us haul our little Misfits in the safest way we can. What a journey!

Why are we moving to Maine?
Apifera is not so much a place as it is my intention to this world. Where I go, so goes Apifera. Martyn and I have made the huge decision to make a soul move to a place that has been pulling us both. It will ground us more financial security into our senior years [we are not broke, we are not in trouble, we have not run ourselves into the ground financially-instead the wise decisions we've made coupled with 12 years of sweat equity and me rat packing money when possible, allow us to do this].
You can read all about it at the blog post.
I announced it because I want to write about it-the excitement, the challenge, the logistics, the lack of fear most of the time, moments of fear, the unfolding-uncurling of layers within me that want to expand.
And because hauling Earnest the pig and acrobatic goats along with some three legged one-side by side with The White Dogs and more will be one great adventure and story to share. I hope you'll stay along for the ride.
I will give details of the big move as they happen. We will need your wings and prayer flags blowing in every state as we travel along the highways of America heading from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
What an adventure it will be.
Some things I can tell you:
The house is on the market and they did a beautiful video of Apifera which required a hankie or two. If someone should be interested in seeing the house [serious inquiries only] I will direct you my realtor.
The Magical Misfit Book and Healing Mobile: I updated all my backers last week about this. I am pleased the comments I have received are positive and understanding. All rewards have been shipped as of early November. As I said in my update, I have ever failed at a project that was funded, nor have I never NOT come through. I understand there are projects that take the money and run, or fail to follow through. That is not me, and my followers know this. We have a plan: If the house feels like it might sell quickly, we will fix the dilapidated chassis and sell it, saving the money for building a new one in Maine. If the house lingers, we will build a temporary Mobile that we can disassemble somehow and reuse some of the materials. We can't haul it to Maine. It makes no sense. Another idea we have is to have a very temporary one for a good bye party here, and then in Maine make a new one-or, we were even thinking it would be fun to have a Misfit Mobile Sled in Maine!
Emerging Crone Workshop in April, 2016: This is up in the air, but anyone that has paid for the Workshop will be fully refunded if it is cancelled by me. If I have to cancel I will do so by March 1. I am hoping that by end of January we might have a better feel for things. I know some people need to make travel plans, so I won't drag it out.
Updates: I will update here, but of course also with blog posts.
How can you participate in the big move East?
I want to create a literal national global village as we head East-love, prayer flags and hope coming out of each state and region we pass through. Some have suggested a fundraiser for moving costs-it is going to be expensive and I'm looking into the various options to get us all there but estimates are 15,000 minimum and up to $30,000. I am not sure if it is appropriate to expect people to give money for that. Yes, The Misfits are going, yes I will continue my animal work in Maine...but for now I think it best to say it is most important I continue to make a living as an artist and writer, so you can shop to your heart's content for books, art and more.
If you do still choose to make a small donation to The Misfits you can read about our expenses and donate here and you can and will be rewarded.
The Puppet is doing some movies too. He is learning about Maine and posting quick thoughts on Instagram. He's thrilled the state insect is a bee, and Apifera means "bee bearing".
Earnest is giving out buttons for all sales made on the store while supplies last.