Lofa's blood test for Johnes came back negative. This is a huge relief as there is no cure or treatment.
Now I just need to keep slowly trying to get energy into him to get those red blood cells reproducing again. An iron shot today for good measure. A little propyl glycol for a few more days.
He's still slow to eat, but is eating. Still weaker than he should be. But this could be a month or more. Of course there could be hidden reasons - tumors or cancer - but we will proceed with positivity and except what we get knowing we have done our best. It takes time to get that blood working right again. I did learn from my vet - and had read this = that just because you have a negative fecal doesn't mean there isn't an overload of parasite in an animal. Since Lofa came from a previous horm where his worming might have been zilch or lax, he still could have been treated by New Moon [which he was, they always worm and delice arrivals and keep them quarantined for observation] and showed up here with worms. He also had another but of topical sucking lice which I treated about a week before the vet came, but I might not have been aggressive enough since at that time he was healthy.
So I will be keeping my eye on this love called Lofa. He gets plenty of hugs and atention!
Thanks to everyone who chipped in to help! [Lofa is too weak to send out his thank you gifts, but I put Raggedy in charge, chaperoned by The Head Troll. Expect them in a week or two].