I have been in computer software glitch hell for the past two days straight. Any snafu that could happen on creating my book files for "Misfits of Love" have happened. Okay, that's overly dramatic. But I am having enormous headaches creating high resolution PDF's thanks to the fact Adobe changed everything to the point where nothing seems to work anymore.
Big sigh.
On top of it, I have a tad of a hangover - due to the fact that yesterday's computer/production angst inspired me to have one glass too many of red wine last night and not enough dinner since we sat up late under the cool evening sky. I needed it - I guess.
But now the entire day of trying to get the production issues worked out are compounded by a a small hangover.
Enter Raggedy Man. Thank goodness. How can I not stop for seconds at least and smile at this little, er, bulbous fellow. To wonder what items are in his stomachs could fill a day - whole pumpkins perhaps?
Anyway, consider hopping over to the funding page for Apifera Press to be launched with "Misfits", the book. It is such a beautiful book, and such a huge amount of work. This book is also a learning curve for me. It will all be worth it when we can hold it in our hands. I fall in love with it each time I reread sections of it or see the art and photos. I really do. I haven't been pushing the fundraising because it's August and everyone seems to be sleepy and on vacation. But I'm spending lots of cash out of pocket, so, I must start pushing for it.