My compulsiveness for the ears of my donkeys continues.
The compulsion has led me to be distracted and to wander away
from the studio for large chunks of time, away from computer screens,
canvases and daily tasks. I can only have faith that the guides that
are leading me to focus on donkey ears know something I do not - yet.
I'm sure it is important and will open up doors of all kinds.
It also led me out with my camera, which led me by the chicken coop, where I sat with Henny Jenny, while Henny Jenny Penny wandered nearby. I now have 4 of the hens that let me pick them up and then will sit quitely on my lap. It is nice, it allows one to really examine how a chicken is built, how the feathers stick in their skin, like a big whisker on a man. Meanwhile, Miss Miho is now named Miss Crazy Miho, as she insists on picking out a new roost high above the ground where she religiously lays an egg, neatly and properly on a shelf, only to have it slowly roll off and be cracked on the floor each morning. I will build a ledge to keep it from rolling off. I have come to really feel badly when I take the eggs up from a roosting hen, all warm, full of potential. Miss Henny Henie Jenny Jenni is perhpas my most solid hen, calmest, always regimented in her laying, consistant. I always thank them for the eggs,but it as if they say to me sometimes, 'Can't we just keep one?'...