Spring is soon to arrive, according to the Official Hen House Almanac and that means the ladies have been strutting about in some of their spring underpants to see how they feel in action. I know much of the country is still struggling through storms after storm, so I thought this would give you hope that Spring will indeed come to you too.
We have a special melody we sing this time of year in honor of spring underpants. It is sung to the tune of "I've a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts".
"I have a lovely pair of underpants"
©K.Dunn, with edits by The Two Janes
I have a lovely pair of underpants,
A lovely pair of underpants have I.
They're clean as the breeze, and shimmy as I move,
And then Papa Roo says, "Oh my!"
Yes, I have a lovely pair of underpants!
A lovely pair of underpants have I!