The Dirt Farmer doesn't read my blog which gives me an enormous amount of latitude to share the inner sanctum of my love for him...or pictures of him in odd farm like poses.
As I looked out over the small sea of people at Pie Day I could hear 'Yummm" as they tasted my pie and when more than one person at a time would "Yum", it resonated in some kind of spiritual farm orchestra with the bees humming in the nearby gardens.
My Dirt Farmer was busy rushing about as I was on Pie Day and we really never came together because our roles were to host...and guide small fingers holding carrots. As I caught glimpses of him through out the day, standing next to the many structures he has built for our farm, including the Donkey Hug area and many outside "rooms', I'd get one of those "Yum-Bee-Buzz" resonances in my heart.
When the guests had all left, someone caught this picture of two middle aged dirt farmers wearing carefully selected hats sitting exactly where they belong.