Old Man Guinnias, the first needy goat to be adopted by Apifera, died in 2012 at the age of 20. While he is buried in the pumpkin patch, he now floats, somewhere, and periodically writes Apifera - which always brings us joy. He is greatly missed but his current deeds show he still has much to give.
My Dearest Apifera,
I have not written for many weeks and now that I am in between rehearsals, I shall take time to catch up with you.
My life on the earthen floor brought things into my life that I least expected, and now I can share another unexpected turn of events - I have begun a dance company here for goats. We are known as "The Floating Goat Ballet Company". Many have just recently arrived and have great joy when they realize their once crippled legs can perform pirouettes, dips and leaps. Since leaving Apifera, I have recruited over 38 goats, some from as far away as Italy and one recently arrived from Northern Mother's place.
I can't say I miss Mother Earth, because I can see it at my feet, unless I am floating upside down and then it is above my head. I don't think of you in a literal sense, for every experience, person or animal that was embedded in my heart on the day I died floats with me. But I can tell you, each time you think of me, my beard blows the opposite direction.
We will be performing the ballet "Don Quixote" this season. I felt transformed by the aging nobleman's imagination.
There is much to do. I know you know that.
Fondly, and with love,
Old Man Guinnias