I'd like to thank Jason Mihalko for writing this post today on his blog. It is in response to what some call an attack on me and Apifera with the original title of ""Animal Lover, Animal Killer: Katherine Dunn's Sanctuary/Slaughterhouse."
Jason is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Cambridge, MA. He works with adolescents and adults both individually and in groups. We met virtually over the past years because he has a wonderful, hard working therapy dog at his side, and he had discovered the healing heart of our donkey Pino.
Jason's post came in response to my posting about a vegan attacking me and my farm [she appears to not be letting people post comments, but there are many being written on Facebook]. I have questioned how to respond to this, as this person has obviously been trying to get comments through on this blog letting me know how inappropriate my eating meat is in her mind. She feels I'm a hypocrite for helping animals, and eating some of our sheep. For the record, Martyn was a vegan for years, I was a vegetarian. We both chose to eat meat for our own reasons later in life, but when I did, we were moving to the farm and I decided to only eat meat I raised, help live at birth and helped die quickly in the sun with me at their side. We also eat some meat from local farmers who are raised and slaughtered on their farms.
I think Jason's article today says it very elegantly, without any hate. Jason also happens to be a vegetarian.
That's all I will say about this. I don't need to expend energy for someone who is not willing to come to me in peace, advocating peace amongst all creatures, but she is not walking the walk. I am.
Postscript. Ms. Tyler has been politely informed that her post, and all her comments, screen shots of the various edits she makes, have all been sent to an attorney. It is good to have his expertise to deal with this.
A week later: And to the threatening email senders even a week after this post - the attorney has those too and two were traced to be from commentors of the original post that started all this. It should be noted that putting defaming words about my farm out there - and then editing the title does little to take away the original defamation, that is the internet. The original tweets and FB links that were sent by this person, with the original title calling us a 'slaughterhouse" are all out there, and consul has been working on that behind the scenes with those service providers and online platforms. What's so sad is this person could make her point by rewriting this post link to take my name and farm out, but she has to be right. The edits she has made do not take away the original defamation, especially in her original title.