We were going to all dress up like bunnies for you - but really, even The Head Troll felt it was just too much. And with the donkeys nearby, there is never a shortage of bunny ears. The May show is keeping me hopping and it's going to be a wonderful group of paintings, if I may say so myself.
I am not a religious person, but the holiday of Easter is a wonderful time for renewal. While we don't have lambs this year because I wanted to make room for working on the solo show, there is new life all around me - buds, bugs, tree sprouts, worm trails, lambs and calves in other farmer's fields, baby birds - some will live on to old age and some will not, but I am taking notice of life this Easter. I am at an age where people begin to crumble around me, some quickly and some in spurts and stops. Teachers of yesteryear, parents and relatives, cronies from high school and college dying too young, mentors and people in the public eye who have inspired me for years - they all are leaving the stage. It is happening, the next one takes their place on the great mandala and you have to get on board, you have to.
I helped a moth out of the water bucket, only to be eaten by a chicken. I do this continually, saving bugs in water buckets. I think it is wrong in a way, as their death is only prolonged, and water logged they are perhaps suffering longer if I pull them out. But I imagine they are screaming, just as the bugs and roots suffer when a human rips up a lettuce head to carry it back to the kitchen, like a lion and her prey.
Before something lives, something dies.