This year I especially need help monetarily with The Misfits! I am the sole bread winner right now as we transition here in Maine, something I am trying not to overreact to but if you can donate to the fund, I really, really appreciate it. Any donation of $50 or more gets a book. $100 or more gets a book and a Donkey Wisdom journal.
Hay is so important for the animals, and we are finding that hay prices, and availability here in Maine, is very different than the resources we had in Oregon. We have found one local hay person, but the fact is I might have to spend much more for hay than I did in my past life. This year it is especially important we have plenty of hay on hand for our first winter, especially for the elders. I will be needing much more hay than I did in Oregon for The Misfits where I went through 6-8 tons. Many assume that feeding pellet/supplemetal feed [which we do for many here and is important] keeps an animal warm in the cold, but it is actually hay and the chewing process that is as important to create heat. We also have so much to do to make the Misfit area better for drainage. I am not used to wet in the summer! And our land has a lot of marsh on it so we have our work cut out for us, and money ill need to spent for drainage, fill and rock. We are building the new barn as I speak, and have already added a couple acres of pasture, but have much more fencing to do too.
Thank you in advance to all those who help, and to all those who have supported our efforts with The Misfits in the past.