I was so excited to get my first project with the LA Times through my reps. And the subject matter could not have been more up my current alley - home health care for our elderly. The article, for the Health section, talks about the trend and desire to keep our elderly in their own homes as they age. Finding community networks that reach out for these in home elders to help with simple every day tasks, like opening up the caps on prescriptions, or just providing a 'check in and hello" over tea. We really wanted to emphasize the helping hands of the community, and I was please with the way that worked. Intertwined, the help of others is like a healthy vine, it keeps intertwining, and reconnecting. I think it's always a challenge to do an elderly face and allow it to be pretty, without it looking to young - or adding too many 'old' lines and losing the beauty of an old face. Old people are so beautiful. I think I showed her dignity.
Anyway, I'm grateful for a great job and hope for more.