Another of the senior donkeys being cared for by El Refugio del Burrito in Spain, one of the organizations that Pino Pie Day 2010 will raise money for. Here is beautiful Bellota's story, as told by her caretaker at the sanctuary, Rafael:
Bellota, a beautiful donkey that came from Galicia in northern Spain, is now 35 and is in considerably good shape despite her previous life. She was kept, together with six other mares, in a windowless concrete stable. All she ever did there was eat and produce manure for the vineyards. Her owner never walked her or let her out for a bit of fresh air. When we found her, she was half buried in her own feaces, just as her stable mates, and she will always have leg and hoof conditions because of it. We are glad to say, though, that she now enjoys the best life a donkey can ever dream of at our Refugio, loving sunny afternoons in the company of her good friends Kuka and Lizabel.