Today we honor the mothers of the world, in all shapes and sizes - mothers that have returned to the Earth to continue to nurture life and mothers that are still with us, as my own mother is at age eighty-five.
I sent my mother lite peach roses because of all the flowers, roses are her favorite. As a young child, I always remember no matter where we lived, she grew roses, and in Minnesota, that's no small undertaking. I suppose all a mother wants on this day is to be thought of, to have a healthy brood and to feel she did her best.
Matilda has had a hard life as a neglected brood Jenny. At age 17, who knows what is in her heart at this stage. Does she think we are just one more holding tank? It must feel different on Donkey Hill, calmer perhaps, with the stream running near by and the wind blowing in from the coast, hitting our forests like waves.
My own mother loved her flowers, and I think Matilda was equally touched with her humble dandelions. When was the last time anyone gave her a mother's day flower? She stood patiently while I placed them in her top notch.
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