If you want a smile that will last all day, keep reading, and the next picture, and video, will make your day.
I read once, long before we adopted Rosie, that there is no other creature that will demonstrate such joy in eating as a pig. I have found this to be true. When I go to the barnyard to start night time feedings, Rosie [and Old Man Guinnias, if he's up to it] are at the gate. Rosie starts making all sorts of sounds that let me know how darn tootin' excited she is for dinner! Then I start walk-running to the barn and she skips piggie style to catch up [I am trying to get a movie of this]. When she gets to her feed dish, first she walks all around it and sticks her nose in it a few times, as if to say, "Oh good! Wonderful, there are eggs tonight!" She snorts all the way through dinner.
I had left over blackberries from last year's harvest in the freezer and thawed them for an appetizer for our piggie goddess. Do you think she liked them?