The Old One Eyed Pug has turned 98. That would be 14 in his years.
He continues to truck on, one eye ball reaching out for any light it can gather. He is quite blind now and his hind end is weakening. He suffers from confusion more and more, but I still see that he enjoys life so his journey is still not over, it's just a bit slower.
He still loves to steal tomatoes from the garden - although I have to go find him since he often gets a bit lost coming back to the house. He was one pound when I brought him home as a pup, lived with me and Louie Louie for all those years in Minneapolis, watched [he had two eyes then] me struggle through tough personal times and was always on my lap by nightfall, snuggled down to watch some television together. He is still on my lap every time I sit by the fire or watch a movie - he just needs a little help getting there.