The farm is good for me - it forces me to watch nature move at a pace I have no control over. I think one must look at publishing, and writing, like this. I have one story that has had so many evolutions I've lost track. It seems every time it feels like it's buried, it raises its voice again - and evolves a step closer to birth.
I am talking about my current love- "Donkey Dream" {A Love Story of Pie & Farm}. This book is a memoir of how I lost at love, but found something even better-my life. A life that was wrapped in my internal dreams, and the mate came with it. And pie. And farm. And a little donkey. I have been working on this in one way or another since 2009.
I love this book, and I think you will too. It is fully illustrated and takes on a fable-like quality, transporting the reader to a real but enchanted world where a donkey has pie parties, an old barn speaks and one woman floats out of sadness into the place she is meant to be.
It is really time to get it birthed and into the world! Please consider supporting my Kickstarter project going on through 3/23/14. If i don't raise the entire sum, I get nothing, and you aren't charge. I have one successful Kick project, and am so grateful to your support. So we can do this. The money is used 100% for printing the hard cover book at an offset printer-for quality and options.