She has landed in all her 500 pound glory. Her arrival was calm and welcome. She hopped out of the trailer like it was no big deal and trotted into her new private pasture with her new house waiting for her big piggie feet.
Now this is a pig. I can assure you of that. The barnyard is still under the belief that a Hippopotomamius is here and I am staying out of it. I can understand the confusion, for the only pig they know is little Rosie. Rosie is about the size of one of Lucy's hind legs.
Yes, her name is Lucy and she is a beautiful girl. She could no longer be bred, but she was the first breeding sow of a local farm and they wanted to find her a forever home of retirement if they could, rather than the alternative. She had served them well and I am so glad I was able to help. At first I was a bit nervous about the issues that might arise with such a large animal, and one that can take out a gate if it really wants to get to an apple on the other side, but after even one hour with her, I am in love.
She is much different personality wise than my little grumpoluposaus Rosie, and it is a nice contrast. Lucy is more like a huge dog who follows me around and comes to sit by me in the hut. She is a thinker, where as Rosie is a dreamer.
There is much to learn about her and many stories to emerge. For now, she is in her private area and barnyard introductions will be made slowly. Boone shares a fence line with her and he was intrigued. Itty Bitty has already taken walks though Lucy's pasture and in time I'm sure she will have many friends. I have already enjoyed watching her take a mud bath, something little Rosie seems uninterested in.
Do not fret about little Rosie, I have already told her she is and will always be, my first little pig.
Lucy will be eating 3-6 pounds of food a day, so feel free to sponsor Lucy or others if you feel so inclined.