If you buy at the Two Book Special rate, you might be one of 8 people who will take home a print of art from the book [the flying pig is not in the book, and of course all art in the book is in full color, just to be clear]. If you hear from me after 12/15, you will get one of these single images sent to you. [I choose the image, so it is a surprise to anyone getting one].
Please remember that all sales through the month also help fight children's hunger. $2 of each sale is donated by me to No Kid Hungry. We are about 35% of my goal.
The comments coming in about the book are really wonderful. I am really excited for the new year to further expand the Misfits into the world. Feel free to leave a review at Goodreads, or email me what you think of the book and I will post first name basis] on the Misfit page.