Wilber the Acrobatic takes a moment to stand in the sun and watch the pigs in the distance.
Life always goes on, in some way. The weather is turning very warm and sunny this week after days of very stormy weather all last week. The animals are good role models for living the moment-they aren't waiting for the next big event. Right now, they are in the current event-which is the sun and warming earth.
People have emailed to ask about Pino-the biopsy isn't in yet, or at least I haven't been called. Hoping we hear this late afternoon, but it might be tomorrow. In the meantime, there is today, and all that holds in it. The garden is busy being pig tilled and I hope to plant within two weeks. Plans are underway to fortify an area of Old Barn so Doris and June can have their piglets there once bred. There are so many projects going on, and then there is the new book coming out, and Pino Pie Day–which will be extra loving this year for many reasons.
I am really doing my best to start painting again, and sewing. For some reason I'm at a stand still. But I do know that abstract pieces are in and out of my brain, and lately I've been very drawn to looking at abstracts. Rather than hearing story in my head, I am sensing I need a return, for a time, to wordless wonders of color and shape. I still feel quiet.I've had recurring dreams of my former life in Minneapolis where i am on my way to have dinner with my parents, and like all the past dreams, I'm realizing I need to get back to the farm and Martyn, but am having trouble for some reason. I feel at times my feet are in different realms. Life is a huge wave, and we all know waves go in and out, crash ashore but always return to where they came from and start all over again. it is what it is.
It is today that is glorious. The past makes wonderful material for books and movies, and learning-but it is the present that is my current glory. Maybe that is why the need for abstract paintings, and sewing, both are tactile and grounding.
Today the sun is out. My ride this morning was very nice. Thank you, Boone. And thank you for inquiring about Pino-I will post here the minute I know and we will go forward.
Paco and Pino enjoy the sun as bookends.