The sale goes on through March.
Twice a year I do a real push to help offset the costs of nurturing our adopted barnyard animals. The animals here will always receive what they need in vet care and nutrition and water- and love and attention from me - but my art sales not only help us make a living, they help the Apifera misfits thrive here. Feed and hay costs continue to rise. We've added more pasture and more fencing to give more land a rest for longer periods. We've worked hard on mud control to help keep foot rot and other bacterias down. Twice a year I do water treatments to prevent Cocci. Worming, vaccines and topical nutrition for old dry skin of goats and pigs...it all adds up. I always tell people that $10 helps buy a bag of 40# feed and $5 buys Probiotic to have on hand - always- for ruminants. Matilda gets a hoof trim every two months since her feet were neglected.
So buy some art- prints are reduced in price to as little as $10 and larger archives are down to $75. There is some original art too- I might add more. I will be adding more "onesies" - prints that have only one left and won't be reprinted.