Visit the Apifera ChipIn page to contribute to help with monthly care costs of all the Apifera adoptees.
Their story - and their owners- grabbed my heart when I read it. A woman and her husband had the goats for most of their goat lives. They were loved and cared for.
But her husband sadly passed away in mid life. The woman's situation changed immediately - and I think any of us can understand this. She did not panic and looked for almost a year for a caring home that could care for her two pet goats - both very arthritic and needing medication and the right home. So after a year, with much thought, she relinguished the goats to our friends at new Moon Goat Farm & Rescue. She really fought it, but knew it was what she had to do.
I am really happy to know they will live their lives out here. I have seen a movie of them and they are very arthritic so they remind me a lot of Old Man Guinnias, and Gertie of days gone by. They come with the names Rudy [the red one] and...wait for it...Teats. Now, I was rather bemused by the name Teats, but the story is the first breeder of the goat called her that because she had an extra teat or only one, I forget, and the name stuck. I imagine I will let Apifera find a nickname for her, if it so desires.
Now would be a great time to let you know that I am trying out ChipIn fundraising.
Many of you say how you'd like to help out but live far away, or you can't get away, or you don't have a lot of money. But you can help in tiny ways monetarily. Each month I spend about $250 on feed alone just for the adoptees - and that doesn't count vetting, extra medicines, materials like gates, straw, hog fuel and more.
Visit the ChipIn Widget on the upper right hand sidebar to contribute to the monthly, or my ChipIn page to contribute. If emergencies arise, or special needs, I will add it on to next month's amount to raise.