He's not a goat, he's more of a dignified elder that greets you at the front door, welcomes you in, always with a kept beard and good posture even though his arthritic legs might be wobbly.
Rudy and Tasha are settling in amazingly well. These two are so sweet and gentle, and though very arthritic and somewhat crippled from it, they get around on sunny says, not afraid to explore all over the place. I have yet to capture a good shot of Tasha, as when she is moving, she is fast on those crippled little legs!
But Rudy, ah, Rudy, he stands for me, poses, calls out to me as I leave the barnyard.
In other related news, Rosie the pig has two beds now - her overnight sleeping area near Stevie, and now a napping lounge in Rudy and Tasha's stall. Knowing that little pig sleeps next to the newcomers during the day and Stevie at night makes the cynical deed of the outside world melt away.
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