If you read the previous post, you know why I now have this fine young fellow. The barnyard is now full of double the trouble! Two monkeys to tend too. You forget just how slippery, quick, energetic and ambitious they are as kids!!
This is a Nigerian Dwarf and he is slightly larger than Little Moose who is a Pygmy. I thought his markings were nice, and kind of remind me of our old friend Honey Boy Edwards, a former Misfit now residing in heavenly prairies. And the blue eys - dashing!
He kind of came with the name Bean since his herd was named after vegetables - we can get behind that. But I'm not sure if that is his name or not. We shall see. He is very sweet and the fact he lived with a small herd in a semi urban setting shows as he got lots of love and attention from his owner- and also lived in the sweetest little garden and yard with a barn custom made for he and his mates. He was a gentleman all the way to Apifera, and likes to lean into me for scratches- just like Little Moose. It is such a new experience having baby goats that came from healthy situations - with pedigrees for heaven's sake.
It is just what the doctor ordered. My mother would be thrilled. She hated to see me lose the old goats even after working hard to get them healthy - or to take on ones that just couldn't recover from their pasts. I'm very sure she had a hand in this!
SO, lots of fun in the barnyard right now!