I am beginning a project blog - a project about the journey of grief which started suddenly on April 4th when my mother died. Of course I am not unaware of what grief is, but this loss is like no other I've experienced.
I am creating a blog "Quiet Little Sack of Sadness" to house and honor the art, dolls and other sewn/fabric projects stemming from this grief, along with a journal, healing quotes and other things I'm grabbing onto to help me swim to the next shore. I should have that up and running next week and will alert you here to all the details.
I am finding a need to really go inward and create - but also share. I find that Facebook feels like a cold and shallow place to post daily about my feelings. I want people to have a place to come and ponder and maybe find comfort in their own journey of loss. It will be an ad-free environment, quiet, beautiful and warm - and safe for all, including me.
And of course I'll still be posting here - always - about the creatures and land that wrap around me, the place called Apifera that I love so much.