The Pig flies by after glimpsing the vet bill, creating a rush hour storm to the barn.
The vet visit left my mouth hanging open when I got the bill. Over $500 and that didn't include Little Moose's ...um, snip.
"Holy PIG!!" I declared.
And The Pig came running. She is speaking to me again after the vet and one assistant, and me, helped snare her and trim her piggie toes, give her shots and examine her skin. I was sure she would ignore me for days if not longer, but the next day I offered to annoint her piggie ears with Destin to sooth the crusty skin - and she calmly agreed with,
"Hrump grunmpolump."
To any one in the pig know, this means, "OK, I guess."
Since then, she has greeted me in quite a pleasant pig state.
Meanwhile, Little Moose spent a couple days avoiding me - or watching me from a good 10 feet. I was after all the person who held him while he was sedated before he had his Big Boy Surgery. He now is back to himself, exploring, romping, and making me swoon with his babyness. He and Goose are a team of rascals! Little Moose is now sleeping out of his baby crate that his former owner graciously lent me - and he now likes to reside in his rubber supper dish - it appears to be a perfect fit for his tator tot body.
And last but not least, the vet also did an assessment on both Stevie and Old Rudy. The latter was anemic and I now have him on a regime to get those blood cells working and he already has pink back in his lower lid. Phew. I caught it in time and I was unerdosing his flee treatments. He had no worms which was good but those sucking lice can really hurt an old goat quickly.
So we are on track in the barnyard!
Except I have informed them they all need a paper route to pay the vet bill. It does not look promising that any will take me up on this offer. So feel free to chip in here or here to help defray the vet bill for Rosie the Pig and Stevie and Rudy. {And remember, no matter what, these animals are cared for - some people like to help me with my out of pocket expenses and anything is appreciated but nobody is obligated or expected to help.}