I've always wanted to be in a parade, on a horse. Ever since I saw my Uncle on his parade horse, when I was very little, I told myself I'd have a horse of my own someday and be in a parade.
And today was the day. It took a long time to get the horse, and few years of being with him get here. But we did it.
There's the the whole "crossing something off a bucket list", my Boone Bucket List that is, that feels like an accomplishment. But it's so much more than that.
It's partially that me and Boone have come so far together in three years and I feel very much like a team now, versus someone sitting on his back hoping for a decent ride. There's the fact that after living here for ten years I finally found a few riding mentors I can trust, and who I really enjoy and aren't full of horse drama. There's all the training I've put in on Boone in the last year and how much we've grown together, and how much more of a leader I am which must make it so much more enjoyable for him.
And I was really proud of him, and glad for him today.
Today as we set out on the parade route, consisting of 3 blocks of the 6 block town, the coastal foothills were in the distance and I saw Martyn in the crowd. He waved and waved and smiled, and I did the same back. But I suddenly got verklept behind my sunglasses. It was a moment of understanding all that I've gained in my life by taking chances, following my own beat - and letting go of other people's agendas. I have this great life, love, companionship, a farm, a horse, animals, my art and a heart that allows me to inspire myself just by walking around on Mother Earth. I got here by simply being me, being true to me.
I braided Boone's mane and added little strips of muslin rags - very Apifera. I thought Boone looked lovely in the gingham picnic cloth. I did get some looks from some of the 4H girls who arrived mainly in pink glitter and shiny tack. I'm used to being a misfit, so I held my head high as we walked around looking at the shiny horses.
Mostly, I kept looking at Boone and felt really happy for the two of us.