The continuing magic of the moon: So the delivery driver of the books called from the bottom of the driveway at 6pm. He couldn't get his larger truck around the culverts. It was dark. Martyn wasn't home. The pallet weighed 1600+ pounds. No worries, I told him. We busted open the pallet, working with flash lites and our headlights, and he placed the boxes of books on the gravel road. I began transporting them into my truck. He drove off, and I finished getting all the boxes in the car. It began to really mist. I looked up and there were my parents, Bob and Kelly, again- in the moon, just like the other night I wrote about.
"I did it," I said, as I got the last box in the truck. And then the clouds covered them up again. "Aren't you going to come out again?" I asked. More rain drops.
I got in the truck and turned the key. Dead. Dead as dead can be. But I just sat there in the dark, with a little rain, the stream running beside me, nobody around for miles. And the moon came back. It was so....perfect. Now if I'd had some publisher doing all this, I never would have had that moment. That's what I thought.
Ten minutes later, Martyn was home and we jumped the car and ferried all the boxes in the studio. The moon was out over us.
I just held the book. It appears healthy, alive, and ready to get out of it's travel clothes. And I am ready for some wine, a fire, and the next part of the journey.
To celebrate the launch of my new book, "Misfits of Love" {Healing Conversations in the Barnyard}, I am offering a special through November 30th: buy one book and get a second copy for 25% off. Visit the Misfit page to see spreads and more from the book and view a trailer.
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