With respect, and sadness, I added some images to the ongoing "Homage" series.
I felt very sad about this little fellow, as not only did he have a struggle in the end, but I was partially to blame. It was not my intent to make him suffer, but my actions are partially to blame. Just as the person pulling out on a freeway doesn't intend to kill a person or deer, it happens. There are quick deaths-such as the couple of sheep that get slaughtered here on harvest day or the quick kill of the hawk or eagle. The intent in those kills is to eat. I think intention is always important to examine in our actions, to help us forgive, learn and make changes if needed.
I keep a tall plastic bucket by the chicken coop, allowing me to refresh their interior water bowl, without having to turn on the water hose. This is not out of laziness. It keeps me from turning the pump on unnecessarily, and causing it to possibly cycle, or over cycle, which leads to no water. Country living with wells is a different ball game than turning on the tap for city water.
So I was sad to find this little Douglas Squirrel drowned.
I even tried to massage his wet little body -but he was very cold, I knew he was gone.
I leave wood sticks in the bucket for bees and insects, but he just couldn't get out-the sides were probably too slippery.
But I took him in, dried him off a bit, and gave him his own little tin bucket. That way he wouldn't have to worry about the dangers of water anymore. He could rest on his little tin bucket, or get in it and float on to wherever he was going.
See the entire tribute to the little squirrel here.