Autumn has returned in all its glory! As usual, the cooler weather combined with Payne's Gray skies has reinvigorated me in both studio and on the land. I have done more in a week than I did all of August...it seems. I feel like like a pessimistic stone has been lifted off my back. I tend to be an optimist, and to be honest, recoil from people that are consistently pessimistic–they are energy drainers. But the heat was affecting my ability to plan and stay focused, no doubt about it.
I was so busy with the farm and the barn project-and keeping water buckets filled, refilled, and refilled again, that last week I didn't get one ride in. So I was able to get Boone out in early morning for a ride. Oh the clouds, sky all came together for me! I saw my recent painting right up there in the heavens-once again art and life merged.
The only way I can get an hour ride in is to get up, grab a bite of yogurt or a piece of bacon, and leave the house immediately. No email, no coffee, no stopping. And I don't do morning feedings until my return-this creates a sea of despair in the barnyard-with so many wailing sounds and screams [have you ever heard pigs ready to eat?] that all I can do is apologize and get out as quickly as possible.
So upon our return from a morning ride, it is still only about nine-ish, and I assure you nobody starved to death while we were gone-except maybe me. And usually at the gate, my Little Big Man comes running-a.k.a. Earnest. He seems to really be enamoured with Boone and always acts a bit randy around him, letting out his little snuffles and grunts. Boone gets along with any creature no matter the size or disposition [including me] so I am always charmed by these two guys sniffing a 'hello'.