I have my children's book manuscript ready to show possible editors and am just beginning to prepare it properly. Meanwhile, I've posted some rough spreads on the site.
I must say, I have been having so much fun working on the book, and would so love to see it in print someday. I realize that is a long ways off, and I am researching and keeping a positive outlook. Martyn and I lay in bed the other night and he read it out loud, it was wonderful. We both got teary eyed. "Good grief, she thinks her book is wonderful", say all the editors in a groan...I am going to start some other stories too, as I've really enjoyed this initial process - and I am surrounded by so many stories here on the farm.
Do you know when you do a rough sketch and you just can see it in finished form in your mind? I feel that with all these roughs in my dummy [for those of you who don't know the lingo, a 'dummy' is basically a roughed out book, showing sketches and type and the flow of the book]. I've only shown it to a couple people, and both wondered if the roughs should be the finished art, but I am not sure about that. I love them, but I see most of the main illustrations being in the color version, with possible spots staying in these sketchy monotone pastels.
This is all a learning curve to me, and I'm lucky and grateful to have some artist compadres who can give me some initial insights. When I started in illustration 10+ years ago, I wanted to do children's books, but ended up on a different path, which is fine, it was as it was meant to be. But I want to try again.