The beauty of life - if you choose to view it this way- is that each thing that happens in your day can be viewed as a gift from a generous source. If you look at life' s occurances this way, you can accept things that happen in life in a positive manner, and in a loving way. It also makes each day a giant gift basket - and this week, Pino and I have had many gifts.
One is the fact we came upon a little blue sheep named Friederike who lives in Germany with her very generous and talented artist mother. While I have been enjoying the wonderful wonderful toys Sandra makes , Pino and Friederike the sheep have been exchanging emails. And, today, Friederike writes about her visit yesterday to a children's home , complete with a sweet gift, in Pino Pie fashion. Friederike seems to have the same open heart as our little Pino, and already was a sharing sort, but when she read about Pino's Pies, she jumped on board. I expect wonderful things from this sheep and donkey friendship. We send greetings to Germany and our new friends!