The mail woman asked me today, "Do you have a guest staying with you?" "Guest, no guest, why?" I asked. "Because this 'Pino Blangiforti' is getting so much mail." I explained who Pino was, which was greeted with a scoffing glance - she can be moody. She wondered what so many were sending to a donkey. "Aprons." I responded. Well, let's just say, some people just have to learn to expand a little, imagine, relax...Anyway, she offered to bring me some rhubarb for a pie if she has it.
Today the sky was blue, and it got bluer in a azure sea way as several packages for Pino arrived. I open all items, as Pino is scissor challenged. We have been getting so many wonderful aprons, I just can't tell you! I am behind in my photos of them all - some are handmade, some are relics, some are just so funny. All are loved. One had a $20 bill tucked in it...
And this package arrived to Pino, with original art by Mlle.Thelma. Oh! C'est jolie!. Inside, was like a treasure chest, a selection of vintage and some new aprons, all from France! Each apron had a real story about the apron written by Thelma's mom. I am not doing the package justice, but it made my day, my week. Paris flea market aprons came all the way to Yamhill for a little donkey. One of the aprons is made of Thelma's old pajama bottoms - and we all know by now that Thelma seems to prefer au naturel 'in the belly' attire. So cool. So fabu, so bella. So Thelma.