The time is so full right now, so ripe for goodness. In our third year of collecting aprons from all over the country, I'm always so grateful for people's kindness. But how can you not get behind a little donkey collecting aprons to help raise money for old creatures?
We already have someone who wants to be an Apron Ambassador for Pino's 2011 Pie Day. And as usual the stories behind many of the aprons are really sweet. Some were worn by the sender's grandmother and have come out of storage to help Pino's cause. Some have been made by anonymous church ladies. They come from the east coast to Texas to the great plains and Rocky Mountains.Pretty nice.
You can see the aprons at Pino's Apron Gallery, where you can buy one if you'd like. Proceeds will be gathered and sent to help the old animals at El Refugio Burrito, Old Dog Haven or New Moon Goat Sanctuary. You can read more about these fine places at the Donkey Dreams blog.
So thank you to the apron givers and makers. It's just a little donkey's small way to chip in - he is lucky to have a good home, and there are so many like him that aren't so lucky.