I am having so much fun communing and drawing with my animals as I get the Online Workshop ready for the mid September launch. I haven't sat and just drawn, in one color, without the need to assess, adjust or tweak the piece for certain results, in so long and I forgot how peaceful drawing is.
Drawing these "gestural" to capture the motion from one pose to another is a calming experience, although it also is an active experience and takes energy. Once you do these drawings of any given creature [that includes all living friends like trees and such] you begin a relationship with them, and you open the door to finding their essence.
I like to think of these as my eye relating to the animal and my hand is relating to my eye. But both parties end up with their heart on the paper.
There are other exercises in the Workshop to bring out your inner child [yes, an overused phrase but many have shut that child out]to tell stories, share feelings and relate to memories.