I've been very busy working on getting the online workshop all put together. It is a lot of work - really like writing my first book in many ways. But this time it involves writing and filming, quite a challenge when the subject matter are moving, living creatures at your feet.
In order to make the movies and lessons, I have to draw! And it has been intense, but so fulfilling. I haven't sat and drawn like this for a long time. I am getting to focus on animals I don't normally draw - Stevie, the pig...and more.
I was taking footage in the barnyard for one of the gestural lessons and came upon the old goose Priscilla. She is so beautiful. I drew a quick gestural and sketch of her later in the day. Sixty seconds of chalk on paper and it brought the elegance of her neck from my eye, to paper, back into my heart.
Read more about the workshop here.