I was minding my own business....
You know how this ends.
I have become acquainted with an elderly odd couple, and my inward barometer is telling me to jump in and bring them to Apifera. An old llama, and his side kick, a little elderly pygmy goat. They are with our friends at Sanctuary One [where Rosie and Stevie hailed from]. The llama arrived there with his elderly mate who has since died. Scooby the goat came from a large rescue. Both appear to be real gentlemen. I would love to take these two on for however long they have-the llama is almost 20 which is getting up there.
I have set up a GOFUND page with a small budget to cover adoption and transport. Please help if you can. Sometimes these opportunities have a real sensory message internally-telling me,
"Yes, you should act on this one."
So I will listen.
Kahile, the llama, lost his elderly mate awhile back and I am told he is a perfect gentleman. I remember when I found Rosie, the pig, Sanctuary One told me she had to be adopted with Stevie the crippled goat. I hesitated a day or more, as I had many goats. But I am so glad I acted in a forward fashion. I can't imagine Apifera or me without Stevie, or Rosie.
I think these two will have the same effect on many - and be ambassadors of peace and community spirit.
Donate to help bring them to Apifera, if you can- thank you!