As some of you know, Paco is our resident worrier. When he arrived here after I adopted him from an overcrowded environment, he was bossy, sassy and difficult to handle. It took 3 of us to hold him for foot work. He wanted to be in charge of everyone, including me. It took over two years of tendering for him to be comfortable enough and to fit in. Time is so important when working with these animals-and consistent handling. I'm so glad I hung in there-believe me, I had my days- but he is a sweet little fellow. He still is the first one to arrive for butt rubs or food [and he has quite the butt], and he still worries, but he is a perfect gentleman with the farrier and does wonderfully at Pie Day. And of course, he thinks Mother Matilda is really his mother.
So three years ago, I decided Paco needed something special for his birthday, since Pino gets a lot of the glory. And that is why each January 24th, I have a little gathering for him with a fig newton layer cake. The party is very quick-donkeys do everything slowly-except when eating fig newton layer cake.