I get great happiness spending time with the animals. Sometimes it is just a small passing of the pig, and I look at his head and admire his beautiful red color. I hope this for others, that they have something like that that gives them moments of pleasure like that.
I always have something to do here and care for; I have an endless supply of stories-too many-to write and paint-and share.
But sometimes, I just want to sit with the barnyard. That is where I'm headed now, to take a cup of coffee and just hang out in a short sun break and observe, quietly, be part of the gang. Goose will likely jump on the concrete wall where I will sit, and Moose will run by and pretend he is not interested but he is; Rudy will be off in the distance in his favorite sun spot by Old Barn and the ducks will most likely be on the compost pile soaking up earth's warmth. Who knows where The Head Troll will be. Boone will be napping I think, as I rode this morning; the elder ponies will be sleep standing. Doris and June will hear me and will squeal and squeal and then go back to napping. Chickens will be about. Just a normal day-but so huge in many minute by minute ways.
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