Back last summer, one of the semi feral cats–Samuelle Noel– came down with a horrific infection which really hung on, requiring me to give him a drip line of electrolytes every day for 2 week,s and two shots of antibiotics. The film clip from back then shows you how horrible he sounded, and he had lost about 1/2 his body weight. We pulled him through.
The chronic issue seems to be back–and I rushed to get mild drugs in him last week, hoping it would help. With the holiday, there was no room to really get him to vet and she didn't want to give the hard drugs at that time, without seeing him of course. So, he's not as bad as he was, and I'm off to the vet now at 4:30pm to try to get stronger drugs to hopefully keep it from getting worse. He gained all his weight back, and his coat looks good- but he is not eating again.
This is a good time to let you know that all donations for the barnyard can now be made here on the blog. With the new year, I shut down the GoFund site-fees are less this way among other things. There are gift levels-including getting a copy of the book, or the farm's lavender- and now you can also subscribe to a monthly donation for as little as $5 a month. As stated before, all donations help defray the some $5-6000 of care for the Misfits [this does not take in our pets, horse or non adoptees].
No matter what, these animals will be cared for-but your support really helps, and is always appreciated.