{View the entire show on my site, with info and pricing. You can purchase any item now-even before the opening}
Of all the places to stand on our farm, this vista looking down to Old Barn is perhaps the most magical for me. I think it has to due with deeply rooted memories of being a child, where I would walk in pastures near our then house-that sat between properties that had once had working barns but development caused them to be repurposed into storage units for more modern dwellings. I can remember finding the trodden paths made by horses and walking them, hoping the neighbors horses were out. I still think of that when I see the many paths created here-by donkey, sheep and goats. They make intricate roads, sometimes running parallel to one another-the donkeys take one path, the sheep another. And they are often on steep hills- it amazes me how they run at high speeds on those paths.
I have been very busy getting ready for the Saturday opening, and I'm so excited for it. I feel this is my best body of work I've ever done for a show. We drove everything up to Astoria, a two+ hour drive, yesterday and I hung out for awhile in the wonderful space my work will be hung. It's the biggest of the rooms in the gallery but still intimate, and it is perfect for the work. I have to say, I was sad to leave my creatures behind, but their lives now are evolving into what they will be. I had the best time making my clay and sewn creatures, and the stories that go with them-I felt those stories deeply and they came to me intuitively. I think they will resonate with people, I really do.
The show pieces are now on my site, with a pricing. You can call the gallery and purchase anything before the opening-even today through Saturday-it is always encouraging to walk into the opening and see a red dot or two!