Some of you might know my little friend, Henry, who lives in Washington and came to our Pino Pie Day some years ago, at which point I fell in love with him. He is now four, I believe, and is growing up into a fine creature. I had to share what his mom relayed on her post today. She asked Henry how he learned to skip so well, and Henry said,
"I just breathed in my heart and let out the truth."
I am going to write that on my wall in my studio. What a perfectly wise gathering of words from the innocent-words we could all improve the world with if we followed it through our lives.
Perhaps this is what the animals do too, like small children, their motives are pretty basic-to eat and sleep. And while children do not have the need to procreate like animals who do it instinctively, children to recognize the importance of a tribe, for safety and companionship. When I watch the Misfits and Marcella I can't help but notice they are always stating their true being. There is no persona that we often choose as adults. They are pure truth that way. Take it or leave it.
I will remember these words of Henry's in the coming days and weeks-as I paint, work with the animals or write. I can get caught up in my writing where I hold onto the truth because there can be consequences for stating it, especially in the cyber world so full of trolls, hate and anger. In painting, I think it is different, I feel more comfortable putting down the truth in color and form, but am never doing it consciously-which is why art is so powerful. Painting is my subconscious already awake, waiting for the conscious to take notice of inner truths.