Earnest the pig came a runnin' to me, giving me a clear set of grunts that he was a bit upset, not panicked or scared, just upset. I assumed Marcella had once again over played her role as Head Mistress. When I got to the barn, there was The Head Troll, sitting quietly in Earnest's day bed. Earnest has two beds. He seems to prefer the inner barn at night, but naps near the front door, perhaps garnering light and sun breaks.
"You took his bed? There are many other places to sleep, be off with you."
Earnest grunted, and looked up at me [really, he did.] She did not budge. You see, The Head Troll had spent the last rainy months in the hay barn, with Scooby Keith. But then, this past week, Sir Tripod Goat made it clear he did not want to live in the piglet pen any more. Tripod really is not a goat lover. He likes the other species. So I moved Tripod Goat up to the hay barn, and told The Head Troll she would have to go back to the barnyard, as she would be too bossy on Tripod and he can't hardly stand up any more anyway, with only three legs and now a front leg seems to be collapsing on him.
She responded by running around the hay barn, playing catch me if you can. Fortunately for me, she is older now, maybe 12-14 we don't know, and it shows as she sleeps more and is easier to catch [but not really] and I had to be careful with my back. Eventually I got her and out to the barnyard she went.
"Well! I have never been moved without my consent," she mumbled [really, she did]. There was a lot of head banging for a few days. And Sophie is quite upset, and Raggedy Man has been acting up. It will settle soon. Today she was out in her old barnyard, muttering around that it was damp out -she has always hated rain.
And Earnest took a nap in a new bed.