To keep Old Man Guinnias feeling like he is contributing to the farm, I have named him Nightly Sheep Checkman.
So far, he's taken this role very seriously. Okay, it's only been 3 days, but it's important for old men to feel like they are doing something really important.
"Guinnias, what's the count tonight?" I asked.
"Sixteen," the old goat said with authority.
A small yearling ewe ran passed him.
"I stand corrected. Make that seventeen," Old Guinnias said.
"Any trouble you need to note tonight, Guin?" I asked.
"Slight limp on Daisy, appears to be muscle related."
"I'll check that out, good work, Guin. Thank you."
"Welcome," he said. And he hobbled back to his stall, knowing his nightly cookie was coming soon.