1/22/11: A sad update: The old goat we had already opened our hearts to, died sometime in the night soon after we posted this. New Moon is heart broken, so are we, but we all know he died snuggled up to Granny, warm, and not alone. He was just tired, I think, and was ready to go and knew he was in a safe place. We still plan to adopt Granny, and hopefully maybe one more. Granny needs a week or so to get out of quarntine since she was being treating for lice. SO stay tuned. And we have one pron who thinks she can make the volunteer delivery for us!. Forest, rest in peace sweet man.
Now, I haven't told Old Man Guinnias, and only one chicken knows- because chickens really have a hard time keeping secrets. That's a whole 'nother post. But to keep Guinny healthy in mind and heart we will be adopting 2 more old goats from New Moon Farm Goat Rescue .
Update: thank you to Lisa and Ophelia for volunteering to drive the goats to Apifera!
As some of you know, Apifera recently lost two of our senior goat friends, Gertie and Georgie to old age. Gertie and Georgie were also adopted from New Moon, as was Guinnias, and now that I've had some time to lick my heart strings, I knew there was only one right thing to do. All animal loss takes its toll, and some really leave a visible dent. One has to take time to remember the one who was lost, giving the heart time to beat slower and then fill up with those memories, remembering it still has room for more love. There is always room for more love.
So two more short statured goats will come to Apifera and partake in afternoon cookie gatherings.
The goat seen here is currently named Forest, since he was found wandering in a national forest in Northern Washington state this winter. Noone came to claim him, and New Moon brought him to their rescue [bleats, hoof stomps, cud burping]. This fine gentleman was pretty rough, with a badly torn lip - a possible dog attack- lice, foot rot, very thin and not much zip. While his teeth seem to be that of about an 8+ year old, he appears much older and his age is unclear.

They will come here and live forever and ever , or until they melt into the sky. Georgie and Gertie were only with us 1+ years, but it was a year I can't imagine having had without them. While the older creatures might leave us sooner, they are the ones that have gone before us, done their time, and they need our care and comfort. We can all find ways to help one old creature, be it hoofed, winged or people toed, to live out their life knowing someone cares, is there for them always, and will be there to hold their hand or hoof when they are called by the wind.
You can sponsor the adopted old animals of Apifera if you like, at various gift levels.