Old Rudy is ready for his very first Pino Pie Day.
I think I will have him in one of the front mini paddocks by the donkeys where he can lay around in the shade and partake without having to be in the rush of things. Sometimes I look at Rudy and my heart skips, as he can look and act so much like Old Man Guinnias who died last year at age 20+. He is always missed. But Rudy is so charming and kind. He has similar traits to Guinny but also has his own unique persona. His daily pain meds have been helping as I see him cruising around longer grazing in between old man naps and the vitamin shots have helped get pink back in his lower lid showing us the anemia is lessening. I can tell he is more himself too, so am grateful I had the vet out when I did.
Rudy is not a loner, but I think because he has lost a lot of mates in the past year, including his life long mate Tasha Teats died this January, I think he has become a bit more reclusive. He bonded a bit with Lofa who died suddenly this spring. Rudy comes and goes into the goat barn, often sleeps near The Pig, takes walks with Little Moose and Goose following him like he's the cat's pajamas, and then he likes to retreat to his favorite napping spot - the wood shed. Oddly, this was Old Man Guinnias' favorite nap spot too. Rudy always calls out to me when he hears the gate open, as do many of the animals in the morning. But I always sense Rudy is saying, "Good Morning, I'm over here, can you see me?" versus, "Feed me first!" like some of the goats - I won't mention any names. Rudy is also the best role model for getting injections and meds - he even sucks the syringe after getting doused with wormer.
So if you come to Pino Pie Day, be sure to greet Old Rudy - he's the gentleman with the long beard and sweet smile - you can't miss him.
Read more about all The Misfits adopted by Apifera.