He is quite exotic for us all, so we are all admiring is unique feet and lips, watching him walk and lie down all seem like something out of a Jack Hanna movie. If you don't know the latter, I date myself.
The Great White-his nickname at this point- is settling in. He is still looking and observing I think. After all, he got out of a moving crate and all his farm mates were different-except of course for the resilient little Scooby Keith who is also doing just fine.
Perhaps the most amusing part of the day, was the fact The Head Troll was in heat-she took quite the shine to the white God standing before her, at one point escorting him around as you see in the photos.
Last night the two Misfits stayed in Old Man Guinnias' former area - a private suite with a 1/2 door that allows them to see outside. Behind them in the same barn were all the other Misfits, so they could all get more adjusted. It was very cold and i wanted Scooby inside, although the llama would have been fine outside. It is very amusing-and interesting- to see how quickly animals adapt. Yesterday morning I put them altogether for the first time, and when I went out at the end of the day for feedings, they were all in the barn, with The Great White in the middle. Scooby seems to want to follow me and does hang away from the goats, as he did at Sanctuary One. But I think in time this might change since we have many docile elders-but it is his choice in time. With warmer weather coming [I hope!} they will lounge more and it will all be fine. There has been no drama at all.
Even little Ernest has met everyone-of course! And Rosie came out to see what the raucous was about, but fled back to her nap area to get out of the chilly air-not good for a princess.
We incurred some fees to adopt these two gents, and were lucky enough to hire someone to drive them up the five hour trip. Please feel free to toss a tip. It all helps a lot.