They have arrived.
The flock is not quite sure where this large white creature hails from- Earth or a far off galaxy?
Upon arriving Sunday, I put the odd couple in a paddock so they had nose touching with the flock, and the barnyard. Everything went smoothly and they are settling in. Scooby the goat is a dear, reminds me a lot of our old departed friend, Lofa Love. And the llama, who came with the name Kahilia which I am having a dickens of time saying...so he might gather a middle name to help me out sometime in the near future- is calm, but really observing and not ready for lots of hand holding at this point. But he very special.
So another odd couple joins us. I so look forward to getting to know them better.
We incurred some fees to adopt these two gents, and were lucky enough to hire someone to drive them up the five hour trip. Please feel free to toss a tip. It all helps a lot.