We dress pretty raggedy around here, as some of you may know. If you saw me in my now thread bare barn coat you might think I need to take up a collection for myself, versus collecting for the Misfits feed bill. I've always been a casual dresser, but in my city life I like to remember that I had a style. That style has given way to pure functional attire for the cause of the moment-be it fencing, aiding in lambing, goat hauling or pig mud wrestling. Sometimes I think grand thoughts-
"I will start wearing dresses again...or a skirt into the feed store."
The Dirt Farmer has a way of getting dressed and always looking...Dirtfarmish, don't you think? After I took this photo he leaned down and fixed his pant leg, so he'd look tidier.
"Totally ruined it for me," I said. And that was the end of the photo session that day.