We are down to 27 days, folks. Please visit the Kickstarter fund page and pre order at any gift level you'd like. I have been working on this book for many years and it is close to my heart-birthing it can be a slow process, and a lonely one [except I do have the donkey for lunch breaks!] but I feel we can make the goal if everyone who follows here, or who has bought Misfits- pledges now. We are only at 40% funded. I have not given up hope, because I look at the lists of people I've promoted the book too, and I just feel they will come through for me and this book.
It's going to take a herd and a flock to reach the goal in time. But the book's underlying message is to never give up on a dream, and to let dreams evolve. So I'm holding onto that sentiment, even though the hill to climb is steep.
Things you can do to help today-
- Share the link http://kck.st/1atG0OW on Facebook and social media
- Do a blog post [feel free to use images from my posts on this blog about the book
- Email 5 friends that love pie, donkeys and farm and share the project
- Email friends that have lost at love and feel like their mate isn't out there-the book might resonate
- If you have pledged, consider adjusting your pledge upward
And finally- thank you to those of you who stepped up early to pledge, and share. I really, really appreciate it.